Tuesday, February 2, 2010

State of Mind: Wondering and slightly frustrated....
Task at Hand: Storyboards and character design
On the Horizon: stuffz
What is Working: Loft idea is getting more solid. That makes things much more interesting.
What is not Working: time and willingness to give up my precious sleep.


Just thinking what knowledge I really need to be photography director. I mean, I can take decent photos, I know some stuff on photomanipulation,etc. But I am not specialized on ONE thing. Considering on just giving the task to Ben and being his assistant. I jumped into a river I don't know where the current leads. Sorta...disappointed in myself. I should've kept my mouth shut and stayed with design, seeing that's what I'm good at.


  1. I highly disagree.
    You took a risk - and it's one that I should have done! I should have asked for Director of Animation, but I, instead, went with my comfort level, and did Technical Director.

    You'll figure it out as you go! That's - really - what school's about. Don't be frustrated.

  2. It's all about stretching yourself. Adventures in learning!

  3. You'll be great! design is design and you will just have fun with new media... look at how your printmaking turned out!

  4. I agree with these comments above. You will grow a lot more and learn much more by reaching out of the comfort zone.
